We are so proud of our Spelling Bee Winners!
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Mrs. Blankenship’s Spelling Bee Winner
Mrs. Hescht’s Spelling Bee Winner
Mrs. Blankenship’s Spelling Bee Winner
WES Spelling Bee Runner Up
Reminder: tomorrow (2/26) will be a two-hour early dismissal day at 1:00 for Faculty Senate.
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Mrs. Sutherland’s 101 Dalmatians on the 101st Day of School. 💚
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Mrs. Sutherland’s 101 Dalmatians on the 101st Day of School
Friday, February 26, 2021, will be a Faculty Senate Day rescheduled from the original date of February 19, 2021. To enable our schools to hold the February Faculty Senate meeting, students will be dismissed two hours early. **For Winfield Elementary, this means that students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, 2/26/21. There will be no afterschool Y program.
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Open Registration for Free Putnam Pre-K! Spots are filling up fast at WES! The Putnam County Collaborative Pre-K Program’s registration for their free 4-year-old Pre-K Program at Putnam County Schools is open and taking applications from families. Families may register their child on the Putnam County Schools website by following the below link: https://www.putnamschools.com/o/pcs/page/prek--9 Families will simply click “Sign-Up” to begin the registration process by filling out a questionnaire. If internet access is unavailable, families may call Putnam County Schools at (304)586-0500 ext. 1133, ext. 1178, or ext. 1122 for assistance. Children must reside in Putnam County and turn four before July 1, 2021, to be eligible. Apply today for the free Putnam Pre-K Program! More information about Putnam County Pre-K can be found at www.putnamschools.com or by contacting Putnam County Schools at (304)586-0500 ext. 1133, ext. 1178, or ext. 1122. #PutnamProud
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
PK Registration
PCS Messages:: PCS 2-HOUR DELAY 2/22/21 After receiving information this evening from the Putnam 911 Center regarding road closures and after evaluating the extent of power outages throughout Putnam County, Putnam County Schools will be operating on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Monday, February 22. Several bus routes will be unable to run tomorrow. Students will receive an excused absence if their bus does not run tomorrow. Students unable to attend school and/or complete assignments the same day due to a bus not running, lack of internet, power, or unforeseen circumstances, will be provided extended time to submit assignments once the internet or power is restored or circumstances warrant additional family support and resources. Below you will find routes which buses will be unable run tomorrow, Monday, February 22, 2021. Buffalo/GW Area: Lime Kiln Road Bowles Ridge Road Low Gap Road Spring Branch Road Homebrew Hollow Cross Creek Road past Gritts Road Steel Ridge Road Poca Area: Bowles Ridge Road Fishers Ridge Road Matthews Road Buck Lick Road Winfield Area: Poindexter Road off of 5- & 20-Mile Road Means Road Evergreen Road Hurricane Area: Sycamore Road Trace Creek Buff Creek Hereford Road Sugar Camp Road
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
If there is a PCS cancellation/delay, ONE of the protocols will be used: 2-HOUR DELAY: Students WILL report on a 2-hour delayed schedule. WES doors will open at 10:00 AM, and tardy bell will ring at 10:30 AM. Bus routes will be delayed 2 hours. WVVS students will follow daily schedule in place. ON-SITE REMOTE INSTRUCTION: Students will NOT report to WES. This includes those students who previously reported in person when PCS was in remote status. Buses will NOT operate for any students. Remote instruction WILL begin 2 hours later than normal time. (10:30 AM) Curbside meal service from 11:00-12:30. Buses will be available to deliver meals, if necessary, when requested. Meals free for PCS students. Families should review their child’s Schoology account for further instructions. WVVS students will follow the daily schedule in place. OFF-SITE REMOTE INSTRUCTION: Students will NOT report to WES. Remote instruction WILL begin 2 hours later than normal instructional time (10:30 AM) No curbside meals will be offered. Families should review their child’s Schoology account for further instructions. WVVS students will follow the daily schedule in place.**If PCS operates on a 2 hour delay Remote Learning Day, WES instructional day schedule will be as follows: @ 10:30 a.m. instruction begins via Live Teams Meeting: **During this time, teachers will set/post their expectations, schedule, and agenda for the day. **Students are to complete their Music or PE remote lesson for the day.
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
We will be following last week’s menu - February 15-19. Monday will be breaded chicken strips.
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Hello All, It looks like we are back on track to return to school tomorrow. Even though it’s a week later, we will have our class Valentine parties tomorrow. Also, please be sure your child brings iPad and school supplies back to school with them. It will be great to see the kids again!
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Hello All, If students have in person school tomorrow, we will be having our Valentines parties. Hope everyone had a nice Valentine weekend! Stay safe and warm!
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
PCS Cancellation & Delay Protocols - Result of Inclement Weather: if inclement weather results in a school cancellation/delay, ONE of the protocols will be used: 2-Hour Delay-Students WILL report on a 2-hour delayed schedule. WES doors will open at 10:00 AM, and the tardy bell will ring at 10:30 AM. Bus routes will be delayed 2 hours using the 20-21 bus schedules. Families should review their child’s Schoology account for a schedule/further instructions. WVVS students will follow the daily schedule in place. On-Site Remote Instruction: Students will NOT report to WES. This also includes those students who previously reported in person when PCS was in remote status. Buses will NOT operate for any students. Remote instruction WILL begin 2 hours later than normal instructional time. (10:30 AM) Curbside meal service will be offered at WES from 11:00-12:30. Buses will be available to deliver meals, if necessary, when requested by families. Meals are free for all PCS students. Families should review their child’s Schoology account for a schedule and further instructions. WVVS students will follow the daily schedule in place. Off-Site Remote Instruction: Students will NOT report to WES. Remote instruction WILL begin 2 hours later than normal instructional time (10:30 AM) No curbside meals will be offered at WES. Families should review their child’s Schoology account for a schedule and further instructions. WVVS students will follow the daily schedule in place.
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
This is a message from the PCS Technology Department for all Putnam Distance and WVVS students: "There is a safety default setting that requires students to log in to the network about once every six months to activate windows. If a student has been in school and has accessed our network, they are fine. The students who received a device and have not logged into the network are having this issue. Several calls have come to the Help Desk today regarding this activation message. To fix this problem, students need to go to a Putnam County School and access the network using the school WiFi or Kids Connect. This can be accomplished without coming into the building. Students may be asked to re-start their device once they are connected."
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
The votes are in! WES thinks the Kansas City Chiefs will win the Super Bowl. Here are a few pictures from our Super Bowl Spirit Day.
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
Super Bowl Fun
Super Bowl Fun
Super Bowl Fun
Super Bowl Fun
about 3 years ago, Candi Hatfield
FREE MEALS AVAILABLE FOR ALL PCS STUDENTS: This meal service is free of charge and available for ALL students, whether or not enrolled in the meal benefit program. Therefore, we encourage all families to take advantage of this opportunity. Daily pick-up times for meals are from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm at each school. Families will pick-up meals at their students’ home school location, curbside while remaining in the vehicle. If transportation is a problem, families may contact their home school to request meal delivery assistance.
over 3 years ago, John Hudson